FIMI Project

FIMI Project


Name of the indigenous organization or group of indigenous women organized * Women Awareness Support Group (WASG)
Title of the proposal: (no more than two lines) Promoting Indigenous Rights and Access to Public Services
Thematic areas: •         Access to political power Institutional Strengthening

Access to Public Services

•         √

Duration: 12
Amount (en USD) 22,039.32
Indigenous People/s Tharu
 Geografic Area: •         Asia and Pacific√

•         Latin America and the Caribbean

•         Africa and Middle East


Subregion or territory (if apliccable):

Devadaha Municipality of Rupandehi District in Province 3

Country Nepal
Name of the  contact and position:


Nirmala Devi Tharu

*see especifications in the call for proposals bases.

SECCTION 2. Sharing knowledge, learning and practices


Our history. Please answer specifically the following questions


2.1. How and why does the organization emerge? 160 words


The process of organizing was started in 1992. Women Acting Together for Change (WATCH): a national NGO started awareness raising and organizing activities with poor women in two Village Development Committees (VDCs): Devadaha and Kerawani of Rupandehi DistrictGradually, the women of the area felt need for organizing themselves to protect themselves from exploitation, violence, oppression, illiteracy, poverty, and so on. So an ad-hoc committee with seventeen members was formed to develop a charter. It took almost 18 months to develop the charter which was discussed in small groups. In March 8, 1999 an assembly was organized. More than 500 women from 18 women’s groups and supporting organizations took part in two-day long general assembly. The assembly ratified the charter and an Executive Committee with 18 members and a Steering Committee with seven members were elected unanimously. WATCH supported for all the processes. The WASG now has 87 women’s groups as its members comprising of more than 2400 women.


2.2. What is your vision and mission? 100 words

The vision and mission of the organization is to free women especially from  indigenous and disadvantage communities  from shackles of bondage, oppression, exploitation, and help them live as a citizen with self-esteem by raise awareness of their exploitation, oppressions, violence and discrimination; and assist them to get justice, lobby for their rights and  prepare them  for continuous advocacy and legal fights, conduct various training, workshop and interactions for its members to strengthen the organization, provide skills and support for initiating other income generating activities, support national and international campaign for freedom of women.




2.3. What are the main áreas in which your organization works?

•         Education

•         Economic empowerment√

•         Adaptation and mitigation to climate change

•         Land, territory and natural resources

•         Access to Political Power

•         Institutional Strengthening

•         Access to public services√

•         Violence against women√

•         Other (please specify):


2.4. How is work organized and distributed in the organization? 160 words


The work is organised and distributed in the organisation through the discussion and  work plan made by the members and executive committee in the monthly meeting of the organisation which shall be  passed by the committee in the meeting.


2.5. Is your organization part of a larger network or alliance? Specify the name, from when and type of link.


Yes it is the part of Awake Nepali Rural Women Coalition from 2069



2.6. In which country / countries / territories does your organization / Network work?







SECTION 3. THE PROPOSAL. Our dream, what we want to do, the change we want to achieve


3.1. Summary of the project and its context


Explain in summary the characteristics of the proposed project and the socioeconomic situation in which it is framed (for example: number of inhabitants, main activities such as agriculture, housing, health, education), politics (for example: own government system, relationship with other institutions), territorial (for example: access to land, climatic conditions, environmental) and cultural (for example: name of the town, most relevant cultural practices, etc.). 200 words

The project area is Devdaha municipality of Rupandehi district, Nepal. Its population is 28,214 (2011) where most of the indigenous people are Tharu, Kumal, Musahar, Gurung, Tamang, Magar, Rai etc. Most of the able bodied men have migrated to work abroad which has burdens the women for all the household responsibility. The indigenous communities especially women are the most disadvantaged and marginalized who are uneducated, economically poor, socially and politically backwarded. Due to very low education background and economic status, they live hand to mouth and they are being mainstay of domestic livelihood, they have to work for low daily wages and dependent on male in household decision. They are not conscious about the rights present in the constitution and various laws and rights ratified by Nepal about the indigenous people. The main problem is low awareness level about the procedure for demanding with the government about their rights due to which they lack skills and capability to demand for their rights and participate in the social and political area for influencing their vision in public service programs which affects their lives. The climate of the place is hot. The cultural practice relevant in the place is Maghi and Nagapanchami.






3.2. Title of the project

Indicate the name of your proposal or project: (maximum 2 lines)

Promoting Indigenous Rights and Access to Public Services




3.3. Objectives


3.3.1. General. Desired situation or main contribution that is intended to be made in the community or organization through the project. It is important that it is possible to reach with the resources and with the established time.

  • To make the local government conscious about the rights and laws passed for indigenous people and implementation of public services programs.
  • To attract the attention of the local policy maker to allocate the budget and implement the indigenous women friendly policies and programs for their access to public services.
  • To develop the awareness of indigenous women groups about their rights, gender equality and the process for their participation in influencing their vision are included in public service programs like health, education and employment opportunities provided to them by law.


3.3.2. Specific objectives.

It refers to the objectives by which the general objective is expected to be achieved. What are the objectives of your proposal or project? 160 words

·         To develop the self esteem and capacity of 20 indigenous women from 20 indigenous rural women group members, involve them for their meaningful participation in social and political issues  empowering and making them capable to express their vision for their access to public service programs that affects their lives with policy maker and local government.

·         To provide with the access to the indigenous rural women on public service programs like health, education and employment opportunities provided to them by law .



3.4. Beneficiary people:

Briefly describe the target group of the project, for example, if it is aimed at women, girls, boys, adolescents, young people, adults or older adults, etc.

The target group of the project are indigenous women especially Tharu women. They are indigenous group, mostly live in Terai region of Nepal, Tharu families worked under the system of bonded labour known as Kamaiya which existed in Nepal since the 18th century. The Government of Nepal outlawed the practice in July 2000, which prohibits anyone from employing any person as a bonded labourer, and declared that the act of making one work as a bonded labourer is illegal. Still Tharu works in landlord’s house and land on daily wages as their economic and educational background is very low. They take loans from landlords and it took them their whole life to pay the interest


3.5.- Expected results (maximum 4): Harvesting for our well-being.

Result: this is what is expected to be achieved at the end of the project, as a consequence of actions or activities expressed in qualitative or quantitative terms.


Expected result 1. Increased knowledge, Information and awareness among Indigenous women group members about their rights which empower them to claim and advocate for their rights with local government.

Expected result 2. Allocation of budget and implementation of the indigenous and gender friendly rights and laws in public service programs that has been passed by the constitution of Nepal.

Expected result3. Strengthened indigenous women groups that can raise the voice for the promotion of rights of women.

Expected result 4. Developed self esteem and confidence of indigenous women to participate in social and political issues.



3.6 Activities. Describe in detail the proposed activities to achieve the expected results of the project. (Maximum 3 activities per result).

Expected result 1.

i.  Publish books, pumplets and leaflets related to the indigenous rights and gender based violence and procedure for providing knowledge, information and influencing their voice in public service programs.

ii.  Conduct group discussion of the indigenous women group members on related topic to know their condition, vision and discuss and find the way for solution.

Expected result 2.

i. Conduct street drama and rally to aware indigenous women , policy maker and local government   about the social issues and problems prevailing to end gender inequality and  implement indigenous women friendly policy.

ii. Pressurize the local government to implement the indigenous women, friendly policies in local level through rally, radio program and campaigns.

iii. Conduct 2 days campaigns on indigenous rights and gender equality provision present in the laws and constitution passed by Nepal with policy maker and local level officials, journalist, local level women representative and other concerned stakeholders etc.


Expected result 3.

i. Select 20 Indigenous women Groups and survey on their social, economic and political condition of target area.

ii.  Support indigenous groups with advocacy for strengthen their groups and raise their voice.

iii. Support indigenous women to demand with local government about their vision related to their rights.

Expected Result 4.

i. Conduct 7 days capacity building training to the representative women from indigenous women groups on indigenous people rights, policy passed by the constitution and laws of Nepal and develop their leadership for influencing their vision and demanding with local government who will again provide knowledge the other group members of their groups through 1 day orientation.

ii. Collaborate and Coordinate with the similar minded organizations to run the programs for women participation.

iii. Organize awareness program on radio to aware indigenous people and policy maker about rights, laws and gender equality.


3.7. Specific indicators of the Project


It is necessary that each objective and expected result have one or two specific indicators that can measure the achievement of the established objectives, and the scope of the expected results in terms of indigenous peoples, gender equality and the promotion of the rights of women. The indicators must be expressed in quantitative terms. For example: number of indigenous women and youth of XX territory benefited by the processes of strengthening and political formation.


i. 20 indigenous women from 20 indigenous rural women groups will be trained on indigenous people rights, policy passed by the constitution and laws of Nepal about indigenous people and develop their leadership for influencing their vision and demanding with local government.

ii. They trained representative of indigenous women group will again conduct 1 days of orientation to their women group members about the indigenous rights and provision to make them aware about their rights, influence their vision in policy making and demanding with local government.

iii. Advocacy Support for strengthening 20 indigenous rural women groups through assessing their need and problems.

iv. Local government, policy maker and indigenous people will be more conscious and aware about the indigenous rights and implementation of indigenous and women friendly policies

v. At least 400 Indigenous women of the project area will have the increased knowledge and information about their rights, procedure for demanding their vision with concerned people and demanding for their influence in public service programs.


3.8. Schedule of activities


Please download, complete and attach the Project Activities Schedule according to the format A.1.attachement.

For proposals of up to 12 (twelve) months, detail the activities to be carried out and mark with an X the month corresponding to each activity. In the case that your project has a duration of more than one year, add the necessary rows for each activity and the columns corresponding to the months in which they are developed.3.9.



To what extent the project will facilitate or enable linked or beneficiary persons to acquire the capacities, commitments and conditions to maintain the momentum after the support has ended. 150 words


The project will facilitate to enable the beneficiaries to establish their link with the concerned stakeholders and officials by providing  the capacities to participate in the social and political issues through various programs, training and opportunities to participate and deal with the problems developing their self esteem, confidence   and knowledge which will help them to use utilise their knowledge, information  and experience to  maintain the sustainability after the support has ended.



3.9 Budget

Please download, complete and attach the Budget Format A.2. in United States of America dollars.



SECTION 4. CONTACT INFORMATION – How we will stay connected


Organization name’s Women Awareness Support Group (WASG)
Office address / Office Devdaha Municipality, Rupandehi district, Nepal
Phones 977 9857010442
Electronic address (E-mail):
Skype account: nkajis
Facebook account:
Web page:
Name and position of contact person: Nirmala Devi Tharu
Telephone and emails of the contact person 977 9857010442
Skype and contact whatsapp:





5.1. Do you wish to make any suggestions about the information shared by AYNI in relation to this call?
The suggestion is clear and easily understandable.
5.2. How have you heard about our call?
We heard about the call from our partner or supporting organisation , Women Acting Together for Change (WATCH) through Internet.