6 days training was organized by Mahila Jagaran Sahayog Samuha (MJJS) in the technical support of Women Acting Together for Change (WATCH) in Rupandehi office of the organization. It started from 27th Falgun – 2nd Chaitra, 2078. The training was jointly collaborated by (MJJS) which is umbrella organization of other women’s and mother’s group. The training was for the group facilitators of the women’s group. All together 20 members participated from 20 women’s group. WATCH helped to form those groups.
They had group discussion and group work too. It had brief explanation about roles and responsibilities of board member and group facilitators. They had exercises and demonstrated group meeting. They had practically done important activities like writing minutes, amending constitution, filling forms for account etc. It is very necessary to make participates clear about the formation to run women’s group.
It was very fruitful session for group facilitators for planning and implementing activities, budging, amendment of constitution etc. It has helped participates to conduct meeting and perform activities.
Participates were in their cultural attire.